ISBN 9781954760028
Peak inside the MYP Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning Teacher Toolkit !
A few samples of the many resources available to you
Highly Engaging courses
Unique Learning Paths
Video Conferencing
24/7 Support with Live Chat
Earn a digital certificate that can be used for re-licensure (depending on your state or country).
Inside the IB MYP Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning Teacher Toolkit Structure. fix SESSIONS BELOW
SESSION 1 - Planning Interdisciplinary Units
1.0 Using this Ibtrove Teacher Toolkit
1.1 Introduction to MYP Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning
1.2 The Foundations of Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning
1.3 The Aims & Assessment Objectives
SESSION 2 - Teaching Interdisciplinary Units
2.1 Planning & Teaching Interdisciplinary Units
2.2 Unit Planning
2.3 Unit Plan Resources
SESSION 3 - Assessing your Interdisciplinary Units
3.1 Assessing Interdisciplinary Units
3.2 eAssessment
SESSION 4 - Feedback & Certificate
4.1 Thank you!
[MYPID] How was your experience?
Certificate of Completion
SESSION 5 - MYP I&S Appendix Individuals Societies Foundations
5.1 The Role of Assessment
5.2 Planning _ Developing Assessments
5.3 Creating Rubrics
Session 6
6.1 Service as Action
6.2 MYP Projects
6.3 Interdisciplinary Teaching _ Learning
Chris Stephenson
Claire Butler-Walker
MYP & DP Educator / IB Workshop Team Leader
Chris has a deep knowledge of IB philosophy as an MYP and DP teacher, authorization/evaluation team leader, workshop developer, and delivery as a member of the International Baccalaureate Educator Network since 2009. As a consultant, she collaborated on the development of the Individuals and Societies guide (2014) and created an "Inquiry in the MYP" workshop.
IB MYP Individuals & Societies Educator
Claire has taught in the MYP since 2009. She is an experienced MYP I&S teacher and serves as her school's MYP Service Learning Coordinator.
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Does the MYP Interdisciplinary Toolkit provide any additional resources?
Yes, the MYP IDU Toolkit also offers a variety of materials designed to help teachers create authentic units of inquiry. These materials aim to help students develop the skills and knowledge they require to become active, engaged learners.
Can I use a school purchase order to subscribe to the toolkit?
Yes, you may use a school purchase order. Just email your purchase order to and we will help enroll you into the toolkit
How long will I have access to the toolkit?
A full school year! Every subscriber has access throughout the year and can benefit from the resources and updates for that period. Onc the school year ends you will need to re-subscribe to gain access to the new version of the toolkit.